Re-Entry Coaching

Building Bridges: Coaching for Successful Reentry

Reentry from prison or any correctional facility is challenging and sometimes just plain scary.

 For it to work the reentrants need, safe housing, clothing, medical care, substance abuse recovery, employment, reentry mentor, relationship counseling and prayer.

I’d like to add one more item to the list, Re-Entry Coaching.

Here are some benefits of having a Re-Entry Coach:

  1. Clarity and Goal Setting: A Re-Entry Coach helps you gain clarity about your specific goals and supports you in achieving them. 
  2. Accountability: They hold you responsible for your actions and keep you on track toward your goals. Regular check-ins and progress evaluations, ensure that you stay committed and motivated.
  3. Personal Growth and Development: Through introspection and self-reflection, a Re-Entry Coach helps you uncover your strengths, overcome limiting beliefs, and unlock your full potential.
  4. Increased Self-Awareness: Re-Entry coaching promotes self-awareness. A life coach helps you get to know yourself better through reflection and introspection.
  5. Improved Self-Confidence: By helping you recognize your achievements and strengths, a Re-Entry Coach helps you build a positive self-image. They also assist you in overcoming self-doubt and negative thoughts and negative self-talk, empowering you to take bold actions and embrace new opportunities.
  6. Enhanced Focus and Clarity: Re-Entry coaching helps you gain clarity of thought. They provide valuable techniques and strategies to improve your productivity and concentration, enabling you to make progress faster.
  7. Improved Relationships: A Re-Entry Coach can help you improve your communication skills, resolve conflicts, and build stronger connections with others.  
  8. Stress ReductionRe-Entry coaching helps you manage stress. A Re-Entry Coach assists you in identifying stress triggers and developing effective coping mechanisms. They provide support and guidance to help you prioritize self-care, manage your time effectively, and reduce overwhelm.
  9. Improved Decision Making: Re-Entry coaching enables you to make better decisions by helping you gain clarity and perspective. 

10. Spirituality: A Re-Entry Coach will help guide you in your quest to improve your conscious contact with God.

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation below to see if Re-Entry Coaching is a fit for you or your organization.